Thursday, June 16, 2011

photos worked!

Me and the most Russian man ever. Hard to describe him better than that. Intense dude but so friendly.

This was inside the monastery I went to on the lake here in Pereslavl. Beautiful iconostasis. Like stepping back in time. A beautiful testament to human endeavors to understand and honor all our beautiful suffering.

I hate this cow. That smile is fake. She is a diva.


  1. Cool pics. what does "most russian" mean? Is he always drunk....(haha just kidding)

  2. From Dad on Dad's Day
    Hey Pedro. Hate to tell you this, but we got Rookie a cow. He was lonely. Hope you get along with her when you get back. She sleeps in your room. Love from Dad

  3. Mannerisms Matt. If you met him you would understand. Russianess seeps from his pores. Great guy though. Hilarious. Knows I don't understand anything he says but he still speaks super fast and slurs everything. I can only laugh.

    I hope our cow is more chill. Rookie finally has a play mate!
