Internet connections here are few and far between so I'm sorry for the lateness with some (any) postings. But, I am in Pereslavl now (the closest major town of roughly 45,000 to Blagodat). Natasha is running errands and has left me off at the cafe to reconnect wih the world like a junky needing his fix.
Firs off, this place is CRAZY! Russia that is. Extremely foreign and very fast paced. I arrived in Moscow on the 2nd and meandered my way from Domodedovo airport to where I was staying with a friend on Kutuzovsky prospekt. Not easy with no sleep for two days. Spent two days in that crazy city. Rode the metro a lot and saw all the necessary sites. On the fourth I hopped on the bus to Pereslavl and the country. More craziness! Natasha picked me up in her banged up old lada and we proceeded to venture another 40 minutes further into the Russian hinterland. She speaks English well enough to make up for what I can't understand in Russian. Mostly I speak Russian to her and she speaks English to me and we get along this way. She showed me to my abode (a tent) and introduced me to her land and animals. She doesn't grow very much, only some potatoes and green onions but she has a cow, a horse, a dog, and a cat. Quite the little farm. My work consists of caring for he animals and helping her with any projects that come o her mind. I just finished building a pen for baby chicks to graze in (pics to follow). From the first day I was introduced to friend and neighbors and have already made some close ties. A Canadian man named Jay lives only 2 kilometers away and we became instant pals, relieved to speak english fluently with each other and drop a little slang. I also met a Russian man named Vova (Vladimir) and his wife Olga who are from Siberia. He recently bought land near Natasha and is building a house there. A very generous man who has taught me a lot. He has helped me get an internet connection so I can stay in touch with my loved ones and brag about my exploits (this is his computer). My language in improving faster than I ever thought it would. I can express most of my thoughts well enough and after I get warmed up can even understand most of a hurried conversation in Russian. Much room for improvement still. I have now been in the country for a week and it has felt like an eternity. I have done much adjusting and there is much still to come. I will only be here until July but that still feels like an eternity. Forgive my weakness dear readers. Not to fear though because Nuala will take my place here with vigor! I will try to contribute to this blog as much as possible without trying the patience of my friends. I have taken many pics and most of them will get up here at some point. If not now, then when I return to the states. Hit me up with any questions you have! If you can do that I don't know how this works. Much has happened and there is much to tell. I am excited to kind of know what to say to professors when they speak Russian to me now. until next time! P.S. Enjoy the pics
Bravo Peter. Moly Drive is impressed...with the cow. And you. Matt arrived last night. Francie tomorrow. Kurt this week. I may come stay with you in the tent. Too crowded here! Love from Dad